3 Areas Over 3 Days
Three days on the water last week targeting different areas. My first trip was on the lagoon. Started off getting rained on very early. I made a short trip to my first spot to run from it for a few minutes.
Member since: March 23, 2020
Three days on the water last week targeting different areas. My first trip was on the lagoon. Started off getting rained on very early. I made a short trip to my first spot to run from it for a few minutes.
Headwaters opened back up and the bite is still about the same as last reported. The best bite has been the first hour of daylight and lasts if you’re lucky for an hour.
I’ve been feeling a little sluggish lately with the heat we have been experiencing and my fishing has taken a small break. I did manage to make it out to 3 Forks with my friend whom I was out with a week earlier and we spun his prop.
With the afternoon rains in our area it has kept the waters from hitting the 90 degree marks. Still it’s been an early start and an early finish whether fishing the freshwater or saltwater waters.
Last week’s outings were a better catching time for me. We spent our first outing at 3 Forks. Our intentions were to head south but that didn’t work for us as we came very close to the end of the narrow trail that you must take in a boat to a disappointing stop.
Last week was just down right HOT! The air temperatures were hot but the bite was extremely so-so to say the least.
I fished only once last week and it was at Headwaters. Water temperature was 88 and the air was hotter. We managed 10 bass all in the first hour on topwater lures.
It was a slow bite on both the Lagoon and Stick Marsh. The Lagoon gave up some small trout and mangrove snapper but nothing much more. We did find a spot where there were lots of snook, all were upper slot fish but they had nothing to do with our offerings.
Not much of a catching report but we did finally get out on the water this past week. On the freshwater side of things the ramp and parking lot at Headwaters is still closed for renovations until the 25th. Garcia is EXTREMELY low but if you have a small John Boat with a mud motor on it you could manage these conditions.
Last week I changed up my area for fishing and hit the Lagoon with my grandson. Now that school is out we plan on fishing together more often until his summer break is over. He’s doing a different kind of learning by me teaching him all that I can. My grandfather was my mentor when I was his age and now it’s my turn to do the same.