jetty redfish

Phelipe caught this 40-inch redfish on a live mullet at outgoing tide on the jetty.

Good morning all my fishing friends, I hope everyone had a great weekend!

The weather was pretty nice both days. Here we go with what you all are always looking forward to. To start off, first I need to remind everyone, AGAIN, the jetty was built as a navigational aid to assure safe passage for the boaters entering and exiting the inlet, they have the RIGHT OF WAY! It is up to you, the angler, to be aware of their presence while fishing the tip of the jetty on the outgoing tide, or any tide for that matter. I know it gets kind of hectic out there when the blues and jacks are going nuts and biting really good, but the yelling, swearing and profanity and just rude behavior directed at the boaters and any other anglers, WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! This kind of behavior could result in you losing your fishing privilege for an extended period of time. Please be courteous to each other out there, and we can all have a great time. Thank you folks.

Now for the good stuff. For the most part, last week picked up pretty nicely for Monday through Wednesday with a lot of finger mullet coming down the beach again, and filling the inlet, both sides. This in turn with the winds and seas calming back down some, and the water staying on the cool side got the bluefish, jacks, ladyfish and a bunch of “jumbo” spanish mackerel turned on and biting! And some snook and redfish. The mullet were so thick again that you could throw a net and not miss, even if the net didn’t open! lol. The fish were biting everything you could toss out! So here we go with the breakdown..

North Jetty

Out here over the weekend the fishing was pretty good, both days. The finger mullet thinned out quite a bit, but they were still enough to cast net, and also to attract some fish. The main deal was the frenzy of bluefish both days on the outgoing tide at the tip. The blues were biting just about everything you were using! Dead bait, silver spoons, jigs and live bait. Most of the bluefish caught were in the 2-4 pound range, with a couple even bigger than that! Usually we see a bunch of smaller ones this time of year, but these fish are much bigger than normal this time. Also remember, you can only keep 3 fish per person per day, with a minimum size of 12 inches to the fork. Other species I saw caught both days over the weekend were snook on the early morning incoming tide on live shrimp, redfish on mullet and live shrimp, on both tides, black drum on dead and live shrimp, a couple of really nice pompano, and one permit about 30 pounds that was lost at the net!! Cut shrimp for them. The spanish mackerel were around, but not in the numbers they were in the beginning of the week. Greenies, small jigs and silver spoons attracted a bite from them.

South Jetty

Over here on Saturday morning’s incoming high tide they had a really nice snook bite, and some nice black drum along with them. Plenty of fish were caught as the water was pretty clean, and they like that. Live shrimp was the ticket for them. Outgoing tide at the tip was all about the black margates and black drum. Live shrimp or cut dead shrimp produced a bite from them. There were also a couple big redfish caught as well on live finger mullet and shrimp. The bluefish were also making a presence for those tossing silver spoons to the channel area, also some jack crevalle were biting.

T-Dock Area

Back here it has been pretty slow, not too much going on. On the incoming tide, and the first of the outgoing there have been some decent spanish mackerel, along with some nice bluefish were being caught on small greenies and white or green crappie jigs and silver spoons. For those fishing shrimp, dead or live, I did see some small undersized mutton snappers caught around the dock pilings. They have to be at least 18 inches overall to keep. The snook and redfish back here has been pretty slow.

Surf Area, both sides

North side when the water was calmed back down and cleaned up, they were catching some pompano just north of the inlet, along with a few black drum. Also being caught are some nice bluefish and spanish mackerel using silver spoons, jigs and live and cut bait. With the presence of schools of finger mullet, snook and redfish are still a possibility. Fish live bait or 4-5 inch swim baits for them. South side the bite has been a little slower due to the water dirtying up easier. But they still caught some pompano and a few black drum on shrimp, dead or alive. The other species rounding out the bite have been the blues, spanish and the pesky catfish. With the water being in the 72-73 degree range it’s time for the flounder to show up over here in the beach pocket area, and just south. They can’t be kept until December 1st, but I’m sure they are around, just isn’t anyone fishing them because you can’t keep them.

Well, that’s it in a nutshell folks! It’s all I have, but a LOT more than what’s been happening!! The rest of the week is supposed to get a little knarly with the winds and the rain picking back up, along with the seas going back to the 6-7 foot range again by Thursday, so if you do get out to fish, you will want to find somewhere inside the inlet where it is calmer. And by all means, if you have to go out on the jetties, please be careful, it’s going to be kind of wild for the rest of the week!!

Have a great week and stay safe everyone!

sebastian inlet district fishing