whiting on the beach

The week was filled with seaweed, making it hard to keep a clear hook and bait for the fish to see. However, the seaweed slowly moved in close to the shoreline, allowing for longer casts to stay free of weeds. Whiting, palometas and lots of croakers were caught. The water also got a little dirty, and the catfish were on the prowl, tormenting rigs.

This week, it looks like every day has a chance of some storms rolling in, so make sure to pay attention to the radar while fishing. The south winds are sticking around with a few days of west winds. The wave forecast, though, is nothing to worry about; we are going to see very calm seas until the weekend comes around.

The standard pompano rig, rigged up with shrimp or clams, has shown the best results when paired with a 3-5 oz triangle weight. I always recommend a triangle weight when weeds are present because sputniks will catch five times more weeds when you start reeling in to check bait or if a fish is on. No need to reel in a one-pound fish with ten pounds of weeds—hahaha.

Shark fishing is picking up as well. A lot of people have been getting walloped when targeting them with bonito, whole mullet and ladyfish. Rig them up with some shark rigs, preferably with a sliding sinker attachment, so they can be cast or kayaked or droned out to the depths. We have all of our shark rigs online on our website, or just stop in!

Talk to y’all next week. Tight lines!