Good day, all my Sebastian Inlet fishing fans. I hope everyone had a great weekend; the weather sure was nice! Here we go with another installment of what’s happening at the inlet, or in this case, what’s NOT happening. There wasn’t a lot biting at the inlet over the weekend. I spent most of Sunday at the inlet and saw only one fish caught — a small slot snook on the north side, west of the tide pool along the rocks (using live shrimp). The gal who caught it said there were also a couple of redfish caught as well on live shrimp, and only one other slot snook. The fish were caught at the end of the outgoing tide and the beginning of the incoming tide. Nothing else on this side, even at the bridge where sheepshead are usually caught.
South side
Over here it was slow. I saw NO fish caught from the jetty all the way back to the T-dock, not even a jack or blue runner, or any black margates, which are usually always biting. That’s pretty sad, but we have the water temperatures to blame, it had dropped back down to 68 degrees over the weekend, but it was clean, calm and weed-free. I did hear about a couple undersized snook caught early on the outgoing tide on live bait, but only a couple, not the numbers that were being caught. I think the snook all went to school and got educated.
T-Dock area
Back here, it has been slim pickins, possibly because the dredging equipment is making the fish a little skittish with all the activity around it. The incoming tide only produced small bluefish and ladyfish for the anglers, no snook. Zero fish on the outgoing tide.
Surf area, both sides
There weren’t many anglers at the north side, but those who were out caught black drum and a few pompano and whiting. Live sandfleas was the bait of choice. South side of the inlet there weren’t very many folks out there due to the dredge pipes being setup along the beach, but the anglers that were out reported a few nice pompano and whiting, along with the ever present bonnet head sharks. Again, sand fleas was the bait of choice.
That’s all I have for this week. This week is supposed to be pretty nice until Friday, when the winds and surf are anticipated to pick back up and likely churn the water, but you never know. I hope you all have a great week!
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