garcia bass fishing

Only one day out last week. I spent Tuesday at Garcia to fish a little and look around as well. The winds were relentless blowing around 15-20 out of the east on this day. Usually I like some wind to fish but this was a little extreme to say the least. Only a handful of bass caught. After fishing the main lake areas I headed to the canal that leads to the spillway to the SE corner of the Stick Marsh. As we made the turn to head west right away you could tell they were moving water, a tremendous amount into the Stick Marsh. These waters would then go into 3 Forks before making it to the St. Johns River system. Needless to say we didn’t fish long before giving up due to the strong currents.

We headed back to the main lake for a while. It was amazing to watch smaller bulrush islands floating as fast as we were moving with the winds. The south entrance of the lake was blocked by vegetation so we had to turn around and head back to the northern end to make our way back to the docks. Water temperatures were sitting at 72 degrees but that will change by the end of our week due to the temperature dropping. I heard that some bedding activity has been noticed on both Headwaters and Okeechobee waters but I didn’t notice any on Garcia, winds will play a factor again this week for our days of wetting a line.