surf fishing variety

Under the duress of summer’s sweltering heat, Space Coast surf fishing definitely isn’t for everyone. It gets HOT, but those willing to tolerate the heat, the beach provides some of the best surf fishing of the year. BIG fish in the way of snook, tarpon and sharks will make for some exhilarating fishing opportunities as we progress into late June, hitting high gear as we enter July, the month especially renowned for GIANTS right on the beach.

But, that’s not all that will w available these next few weeks. Look for residential pompano to be found when conditions present themselves. As the seaweed settles and the water clarity improves. That will kickstart the pompano fishing in the areas with clean water, runouts and troughs. Chartreuse and orange float pompano rigs with Fishbites and fresh tipped bait.

whiting melbourne beach

Not to mention the croakers will be in full force as the typical summer ensues. Atlantic croakers make good table fare for those who like to pan sear fish. In addition making a good meal these croakers can be repurposed as live bait for predatory species. Big snook love croakers fished in the first and second trough. Furthermore tarpon are a willing candidate for these snack sized love baits. A simple split shot or free lining croakers can result in trophy fish during the summertime.

Knowing the weather heats up quick means you should prepare accordingly. Get out early and home early. First light and last light along with tide changes are the best windows of time to fish. Remember you can always throw lures with great results as well.

Head up for an hour or two with nothing more than a casting rod and a few lures. Light and mobile is the name of the game. Make sure to cover territory until you find pockets of life you’re searching for. Diving birds, crashing fish, and pogies will be the top clues depicting these areas. Keep moving and casting without hesitation until you position yourself in these lively pockets.

ladyfish surf fishing

Baitfish will dictate the presence of predatory fish, which also inevitably means heightened shark activity. Be prepared to have some of your catches grabbed up by the taxman in the gray suit. Heavy drag and proper leaders will ensure you’re not wasting time and lessen the risk of losing your catch. On the other side of the equation, if you’re in the game of targeting sharks, June and July make a good opportunity to battle these toothy critters. Croakers, mullet and cut bait are the recommended choices for shark fishing anglers.

bonnet head shark

In summary, we’ll continue to fish through the seaweed plagued beaches. It’s just a part of the summer cycle and all we can do is keep dreaming of better conditions on the horizon. With the confidence and understanding that the fish will be there, the degree of difficulty in the challenge will ultimately be determined by the conditions ahead and how they hold. A few weeks of calm waters should get the water cleaned up and ready for the top month of big snook beach fishing. Until then there are opportunities available, but it’s been challenging conditions to say the least.

big snook in the surf

Good luck and enjoy the world class surf fishing on the Space Coast.