big black drum

Big Black drum for Sean, his brother and friends

Another week of inconsistent weather with heavy winds a couple days. Typical spring where the bite changes daily with the weather and the full moon didn’t help the bite much either. We were able to get out on the beach and catch plenty of bait and plenty of Trout, weakfish, macs, blues jacks and even found a few ribbonfish. Bonus catch was about a 6′ hammerhead shark that was most likely in feeding on the mackerel, bluefish and jacks.

Jack got a snook over 40

Jack got a snook over 40″

The inshore bite was hit or miss with plenty of jacks and some trout with a few snook mixed in. The big black drum have been very picky lately as well.

The upcoming week looks to have similar weather with some cold and windy days followed by some calm winds and warm air temps which will warm the water up a bit and hopefully improve the bite in the lagoon and off the beaches.