bass fishing

I’ve had enough Honey Doing around my house lately. I gave up the heat for my fishing habit for the month of September and spent this past week cleaning up after the hurricane. Our weather has finally given us some feelings of fall. Water temperatures are now in the mid 70’s and the fish are happy and willing to chase some lures. Lures of choice to be on the end of your rod tip consists of Lipless Crankbaits, Squarebills, Jerkbaits and your favorite top water plug, especially if it has a prop.

bass fishing

Our weather patterns will consist of cold fronts every 5 to 10 days apart. Winds will be most likely before and after all these frontal systems. As long as we don’t have a large drop in air and water temperatures the bass will be putting on their feeding bags. The Fellsmere Grade is being worked on to get it ready for a paving procedure so finally us anglers will finally get a much needed break from years of dust on your towing vehicle and boats. I never would have thought this day would ever come. I’ve been waiting 30 years for this.