• tarpon
  • snapper

We had a decent week of fishing the beach. Bait is still scarce but its starting to show up in small numbers. Greenies around the inlet and pilchards inside have been fairly consistent. We fished for some snapper off the beach on the inshore reefs and some tarpon and big jacks last week. Plenty of big jacks till the NE winds came on later in the week. The tarpon thinned out and went out deep due to the rough seas last week, but have started to show back up later in the week and weekend. Not sure where the NE winds have been coming from but they definitely slow down the bite.

Looks like another week of fairly calm seas and light winds so the beach fishing should be pretty good again this week. Look for Kingfish and jacks around bait pods if you can find them and scatter tarpon as well. May even get lucky and find a few free swimming cobra running the beaches around the bait pods.