snook fishing

Adrian and his wife Gina with a Nice Snook caught in the lagoon!

Hurricane Ian really raised the water levels in the lagoon and brought a huge amount of fresh water and vegetation in the lagoon and through Sebastian Inlet. The bait is still pretty thick and the fishing was good all week although it slowed a bit with the full moon this weekend. Redfish, Snook, Trout Jacks and Sharks were all in the lagoon and hungry after the Hurricane. Live bait worked well early and then we have been switching to soft plastics.

The inlet bite was really good a few days on mullet and then pigfish and pinfish. Plenty of slot sized reds and snook caught in the inlet over the last week. Seas were a bit rough to run the beach and look for the Tarpon. Look forward to a similar week this week as long as the weather and bait stays consistent.