
Member since: August 02, 2018


    Good whiting day!

    December 10, 2021

    Watched the sun rise above the horizon in South Melbourne Beach revealing clean calm water on the empty beach. All of the live sand fleas that I had were miniscule. Today’s quest was as much about finding bait as it was catching fish.

      A few pompano returning, big whiting still here.

      March 6, 2021

      The first Saturday of March present with overcast skies full of gorgeous cloud formations. A light wind out of the east, and clear emerald green water gently rolling in. I arrived at the beach at 6:20am with the only marks on the smooth sand of the outgoing tide were that a a lone set of fresh bobcat tracks who must have visited the area shortly before I arrived.

        It Changes Like the Weather

        January 25, 2021

        Last week the seas were calm and clear; the fishing from the beach should have been on fire, yet it was quiet. The weather turned going into the weekend with the winds shifting and the seas picking up. By Sunday, the swell was bigger and the water started to get a bit dirty. Sunday’s fishing was fine with several whiting and a lone pompano in my cooler when I headed home.

          Fishing with friends

          December 28, 2020

          I was pleasantly surprised to get a call from my friend and surf fishing mentor Larry Finch. Larry was going to be in the area and inquired if I wanted to get together and fish. I jumped at the chance. Conditions were not great with the skies overcast and a slight drizzle in the air. The water had a nice green hint of color but the surf was a bit rough and the current was ripping south to north.

            Weedy Wednesday

            November 25, 2020

            Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Conditions did not look great. The water was dirty and the weeds were very troublesome. The water temperature seemed just slightly cooler than a few days ago. I had sand fleas that […]

              Wednesday Whiting

              October 28, 2020

              After about 10 days of big tides, big waves, big wind, and weeds, things settled down nicely at the beginning of the week. I was unable to fish on Tuesday but found time to gather some fleas in the afternoon and conditions looked promising. I hit the sand as the sun was just starting to show itself on this partly cloudy morning. 8-10 mph winds out of the ESE made a pleasant morning with temperature in the high 70’s. I set my rod holders in the wash as I would be fishing a falling tide.

                Columbus Day – Discovered Fish

                October 12, 2020

                I was in no hurry this morning as the water was yesterday, while weed-free, very dirty. To my surprise, I was met with calm seas and clean water. The tide was about half way out on this pleasant overcast morning with light winds out of the west and a pleasant 75 degrees. I set up 3 rods. 3oz pyramids today was all I needed to hold bottom, and with the west wind I could toss them in the trough or launch them out well over 100 yards.

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