
Space Coast winter is in full effect! As cold as it may be, the fishing is finally starting to heat up. This time of the year can be very challenging, especially with such adverse conditions. This past week, the redfish and black drum bite has definitely picked up. Calmer, warmer days have definitely been more productive, especially if there is any approaching fronts. Look for most fish on the outside of spoil islands, mangrove points with deeper sloughs — even if it’s only a few inches — and deeper, residential docks for the best results.

Several techniques that work well in these situations are using smaller profile jigs like Gulp shrimp and small crab imitations. This time of year most fish will switch to a crustacean diet and a smaller profile bait often yields better results. It’s very important to slow your retrieve down and with it being cold, don’t expect to cover a lot of dead water only to find them stacked in one area. You may cover a mile to find 30 fish in a 10 foot stretch –it’s just typical for this time of year. Once I have found an area that seems to have some fish, whether I have seen them, hooked them, or just got in an area with lots of bigger mullet or signs of life, I like to change my technique and switch to a smaller live or dead shrimp, and often I’ll take the tail off and pin it on an 1/8 oz jig-head and let it soak. If I find action to be slow then simply slowly bumping the shrimp on the bottom now and then will help you to locate an exact area the fish want to feed.

Winter is all about slowing down, taking your time and being patient, but once it all comes together, you can have some incredible days on the water.