port canaveral fishing in august

Every year at some point in August we get the great reset. After months of calm seas, clear water and easy fishing a passing storm will bring summer to an abrupt end.

What do we do when we can finally get back to fishing after this happens? We go deep is the answer. We look to bottom fishing for amberjack and vermillion snapper to make good days. We depend on the shrimp boats to give us action and capitalize on days we find a hard edge in the Gulf Stream to score some pelagics.

In simple terms it means if you are booking a fishing charter and want to catch fish you can keep you will be wasting your money doing anything other than one of our 9 hour full day trips.

Not going to sugar coat it. August sucks, but if that’s when you can go, we can put some good trips together if you give us the time we need to work. Save your money for another time if you can’t commit to a full 9 hour fishing trip.

Super simple report this month. Just is what it is. It has been a phenomenal summer and all things must come to an end. Let’s regroup and go put some work in for August and make great things happen.