What’s going on everyone! We’ve got the beginnings of the fall mullet run starting. Following the schools of mullet are big jacks, snook and tarpon. The glass minnows are beginning to thin out and the surf action is going with it. There are still lots of snook and tarpon around if you know where to look. There are reports of pompano being caught along the beaches, look for clean cool blue water and you’ll have your best shot at catching one. Whiting and palometta are close to shore, right off the edge of the sand. Try live shrimp, clams or sand fleas if you can find them.
If you’re looking to wet a line there are still weeds around. The tide is bringing in red algae, slime weed and sargassum so you might have to hop around and check different spots if you’re having a tough time managing.
Plenty of Spanish mackerel, sennet and bluefish showing up which can be taken on a 1/2 oz. to 2 oz spoon or shiny jig. Check out Beach Bum Lures Gunslinger jigs, they throw a country mile and will hold up better than store bought lures. They come with a strong single in-line hook which helps a lot when dealing with frisky toothy fish.
Mullet and big swim baits will be a key player over the next month if you are looking to use live bait, get out there and catch em up!
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