Playalinda Beach has good numbers of whiting being caught, the best baits seem to be frozen shrimp and clams. I like to mix it up and use Fishbites, too. It’s a hardy bait that stays on your hook much longer and really works well.
Haulover Canal has been good at night. Cut mullet is working best for big reds and blue crabs are the go to bait for black drum.
In Mosquito Lagoon, the trout bite has been great first light in morning, use a topwater lure like Skitterwalk in mullet pattern. Tie a loop knot to give the lure the best action so you can use a “walk the dog” retrieve.
Keep an eye out for tailing reds as well. Use cut mullet and live pin fish for the best results.
In the north Indian River Lagoon we are seeing small tarpon from 10 to 30 lbs. Watch for them breaching the water and throw smaller baits like tiny Terror Eyz from DOA. It seems like the smaller the bait, the better for these fish.
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