• double pomps
  • sheepshead
  • lines out
  • pomp bucket

This is the season for surf fishing anglers in the Space Coast to rejoice with bountiful catches and picture perfect weather. December and January marks the busy season for anglers fishing Brevard County beaches. As a result, the influx of residents that spend winters here in the Central East Coast of Florida take part in this recreation. Hence one can expect crowded beaches and busy shorelines filled with surf fishing anglers. As a result make sure to arrive at the popular surf fishing locations early or else you’ll be stuck at a less than desirable spot.

What’s all the hype about? A multitude of factors contribute when speaking on what’s special about winter surf fishing in Florida. Firstly, as mentioned previously, the outstanding weather Florida winters provide make for a great excuse to hit the beach. Secondly the surf fishing can be outstanding with big catches of pompano, whiting, black drum and bluefish. For instance, a good report of pompano catches contains the propensity to create a stampede of surf fishing anglers. Anglers looking to lay claim are worked into a frenzy by way of reading public forums and visiting their local bait shops.

In order to beat the herds and be in front of the bite make sure to be consistent and do one’s homework when partaking in this local fishery. For one, choose days that suit your level of fishing experience. Beginners should look for days that have less than 15mph wind and three feet or less of swell. Local weather forecasting websites will assist you in dictating what days will be suited best. If you’re ever unsure or need some direction on weather, equipment, or where to go, feel free to contact us with the information below.

Next you’ll need the appropriate surf fishing rigs and bait in order to receive a higher probability of success. Surf fishing rods in the 11-12ft range are my personal favorite for long cast and backbone for heavier rigs. Paired with surf fishing reels in the 5000-8000 series. These reels make for the perfect combo to have enough line capacity to cast far and reel in the big one. Finally, use pompano rigs that contain a combination of floats and beads to maximize your efforts.

Top baits of choice for winter surf fishing are sand fleas, clams, shrimp and crab knuckles. Be advised we personally pair all these baits with Fishbites products in a range of flavors and colors. Not to mention one particular bait may work better on particular days or weeks. That’s why it’s always advisable to have a variety of baits on hand and pay attention to what’s working best.

Now that you’re rigged and ready it’s time to hit the beach! Look for outflows, rip currents, clean water and bird activity in order to choose the best spot. Furthermore be sure to work multiple zones of the surf by casting different distances from the shore. This ensures you to cover all your bases and make sure not to miss fish that may be closer in or further from the shore.

Expect to catch the prized Florida pompano, whiting, black drum, bluefish, and jack crevalle. While it’s worth mentioning these are the majority of fish species you can expect to catch frequently, there’s many more that can be present at any given time. I recommend you fish as often as you can. This way you stay up on the bite and you’ll be the one writing the good fishing reports versus chasing old information on the public forums.